Furcadia Map Normalizer

Map Normalizer is a tool which was made to help dreamweavers repair their dream from corrupted objects - objects invisible to the eye, but lethal to the Furcadia client. This tool scans the entire map file for such out-of-range objects and allows to locate and reset these objects to 0.
.NET Framework: | 2.0 or later |
Detected: | None |
This project utilizes the .NET Framework and thus, that's what you need to run the program.
If an up-to-date version of the framework was detected above (displayed in green), you don't really need anything else and can simply run the program to use it. Any up-to-date Windows version already has it pre-installed for you! If you aren't sure, you can always run the program and see if it successfully runs or gives you an error.
If the version is not up to date and is marked in red (or several were detected, but none of them is suitable - green), you might have to update it before you can run the program. Same if no versions were detected. You can download the Redistributable packages from the following links at Microsoft:
Please note that .NET Framework is huge! Downloading it for the sole purpose of running this application might not be the best idea, so if you really don't have it yet, but know someone who most likely does, you could try asking the person to run it isntead.
Latest version: | Download (25KB) (MD5: 718462ee0deb61d18df951dd5b95ed66) |
Source code: | mapnorm- Download (17KB) |
Older versions: | None |
The source code was created with Microsoft Visual C# 2008 (Express Edition).
How to use
1. Open a map file you would like to scan

2. Adjust the "last element" parameters to fit your dream

The program tries to detect out-of-range elements in the map by comparing them against the last object/floor/wall that you specified. If the object's ID is bigger than the last element, it is considered out of range. In order to correctly detect such elements, you should adjust the values of the three number boxes to fit your dream.
To obtain the last object/floor/wall ID in your dream, simply open your map in Dream Editor, select the last object/floor/wall from the list and check its number, as described in the screenshot above.
The two checkboxes under the parameters are solely for map size check in case and your map is bigger than it is allowed to be. If you don't want to perform such a check, you can ignore these checkboxes.
Click "Scan" to load the dream and scan for out-of-range elements.
3. Examine the results and fix the map

If the program found out-of-range elements in the dream and you have set the parameters properly, you will most likely need to fix them if you don't want any problems with the visitors. You can do so manually by referencing the Activity Log and locating the objects mentioned there with their coordinates, or you can click the "Fix out-of-range elements" button to reset all those elements to 0.
Note that the program make a backup copy of the dream before it attempts to fix it. If the dream becomes broken after modifications, you can delete the dream file and rename the one with the ".bak" extension - from "default.map.bak" into "default.map". If you are satisfied with the corrected version, you can delete the backup file.