File Formats
Protocol Specifications
Main Server
File Server
Command Execution and Display Syntax
Alright, before you jog through the brief list of commands below, there are some things you have to be familiar
about before so.
First of all, all the commands are being sent to the server in a raw form, means when you type a command,
there are no real prefixes the client sends before or after it, so you can execute just about anything
(whispers or action, for instance) as a command.
The command in Furcadia client begins with a ` character (if you have troubles seeing it, it's located
to the left side of your 1 key (I assume you've got a normal keyboard and not some non-standard M$
design), so if you wish to send the server the word "quit", you type it as "`quit".
Command List
The commands in the table below will be listed as raw commands that are sent to the server (without the `
character). The commands that begin with a " (double quote) character can be said (when you say
something, the client sends that data with a " prefix, in case you didn't know).
- The X coordinate must be half of it's original number (x/2).
- The spaces in names are being presented as UNIX pipes - the | (SHIFT-\) character.
- The names don't have to be specified in a complete form.
- The data in () brackets represents a base95 string (usually come in 2 bytes - colormap is composed of 10/13 single base95 bytes)
- The data in {} brackets represents a normal string.
- The data in [] brackets is optional.
- The blue entries represent new addition/modification since the Squirrel Update!
- The red entries represent commands that were available in the past, but no longer are.
Command Sections:
Command List :: Cookies
"cookies-accept | Accept cookies from others |
"cookies-reject | Reject cookies from others (also "cookiesreject) |
"eat-cookie | Eat an active cookie - the ones in your description (also "eatcookie) |
"give-cookie {name} [{message}] | Give an active cookie to a person with an optional message (also "givecookie) |
"make-cookie {name} [{message}] | Give an inactive cookie to a person with an optional message (also "makecookie) |
"make-secret {name} [{message}] | Secretly give an inactive cookie to a person (also "makesecret) |
"munch-cookie | Loudly eat an active cookie - may alert the others (also "munchcookie) |
"secret-cookie {name} [{message}] | Secretly give an active cookie to a person (also "secretcookie) |
Command List :: Interaction
"{text} | Says the text to the people within your range of sight |
-{text} | Shouts the text to all people in the dream who have the shout channel on, locally activating it if necessary |
:{text} | Emotes the text to all people within your range of sight |
decline | Reject a join/summon request from another person |
fdl {dream_url} | Go to a specific dream specified by a URL (e.g: furc://Allegria) |
follow [{name}] | Follow a specific person - works for silver sponsors |
get | Picks up or drops an object |
goalleg | Go to the Allergia map (Map number 3 - #) |
goback | Return to a previously visited map |
gomap (num) | Go to a static map, registered by that specific number (one byte number) |
gostart | Go to the Vinca map (Map number 0 - space) |
help | Request help from the Beekin help channel (also "help) |
info | Displays character information on the server (also "info) |
join [{name}] | Request to join a specific person or accept a summon request |
l (x)(y) | Looks at a furre at coordinates x,y (x and y are two-byte numbers) |
"l {name} | Looks at a specific furre present in the current dream (also "look) |
lead [{name}] | Lead a specific person - works for silver sponsors (see follow) |
onln {name} | Request the online status of a specific person (the name has to be complete here) |
onlnprx | Ignore all commands from the client except for onln |
stop | Stop leading/following a specific person (see follow) |
summon [{name}] | Request someone to join you or accept a join request |
use | Use the object you are currently holding |
vascodagama | Notify the server of patch/dream download completion |
wh {name} {text} | Whisper something to a specific person |
wh %{name} {text} | Whisper something to a specific person (no name auto-completion) |
which | Displays the server process you belong to, current index, your global ID and map # |
who | Retreive a list of users in the dream, server uptime and global user count |
Command List :: Manipulation
breath | Dragon breath |
chcol (colormap) | Change the entire color string without reconnecting - works for silver sponsors (13B) |
chdesc {desc} | Change the description without reconnecting - works for silver sponsors |
color (colormap) | Set the color string - works only during login phase |
desc {desc} | Sets/Changes the description - works for all |
eagle | Transform into eagle form as a gryffe |
flame | Phoenix flame |
gryffe | Transform into gryffe form |
phoenix | Transform into phoenix form |
portrait {portnum} | Switch to a specific portrait number |
portrchng | Swap to next available portrait |
wings | Cycle through available to you wings |
Command List :: Movement
< | Rotate counter-clockwise |
> | Rotate clockwise |
lie | Cycles through positions: laying >> sitting >> standing |
liedown | Switch to a laying position |
m 1 | Move South-West |
m 3 | Move North-West |
m 7 | Move North-East |
m 9 | Move South-East |
sit | Switch to a sitting position |
stand | Switch to a standing position |
Command List :: Roses
"discard-rose | Removes a rose from your description |
"discard-black-rose | Removes a black rose from your description |
"discard-purple-rose | Removes a purple rose from your description |
"discard-red-rose | Removes a red rose from your description |
"discard-white-rose | Removes a white rose from your description |
"discard-yellow-rose | Removes a yellow rose from your description |
"give-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a rose to a specific person with an optional message |
"give-black-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a black rose to a specific person with an optional message |
"give-purple-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a purple rose to a specific person with an optional message |
"give-red-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a red rose to a specific person with an optional message |
"give-white-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a white rose to a specific person with an optional message |
"give-yellow-rose {name} [{message}] | Gives a yellow rose to a specific person with an optional message |
Command List :: Server Control
=event | Toggles the event channel |
=news | Toggles the news channel |
=fel | Toggles the Felorin Channel - works only for silver sponsors |
=talz | Toggles the Talzhemir Channel - works only for silver sponsors |
"roll {die}d{sides} | Rolls a {die} die with {sides} sides with detailed results (similar to "ROLL) |
Winver {version} | Notify the server of your Windows version |
"awaymessage | Undocumented - Seems to be mentioned in client, the server ignores the command completely (showing it's awareness of it, as well) |
connect {name} {password} [{hash}] | Connect to the server with an optional hash (needed for client activation) |
create {name} {password} {e-mail} N Y | Create a new character (the meaning of "N Y" is still not known to me) |
desctags | Toggles description tags |
"dreamurl | Shows the dream URL of the current dream you are located in |
gdlgt {data} | Undocumented - Sent only once, a while after you log in, somewhat static decimal number - no server response |
iamhere | Keepalive string to prevent idle disconnection |
marco {num} | PING command |
mvrwm | Undocumented - Returns the ]{ instruction with a decimal number that increases by 1 each time anyone uses the command |
polon {num} | PONG (echo) command |
quit | Quit Furcadia |
reconnect | Force a reconnection |
repq {name} {answer} | Used to notify the server when a custom message box is confirmed (see ]#) |
rgate | Request to upload a dream |
setemail {e-mail} | Change your e-mail address |
tdgate {id} | Register a dream ID |
"time | Request Furcadia Central Time (FCT) |
uid | Undocumented - Returns the ]z instruction with a decimal number that increases by 1 each time anyone uses the command (see mvrwm) |
version {version} | Notify the server of your Furcadia client version |
"whisperson | Enable whisper blocking - works for silver sponsors |
"whispersoff | Disable whisper blocking - works for silver sponsors |
Command List :: Item Transfer
3wingtrans {name} | Transfer tri-colored wings (30 days penalty) |
batwingtrans {name} | Transfer bat wings (30 days penalty - they didn't mention it!) |
bflytrans {name} | Transfer butterfly wings (30 days penalty) |
drgntrans {name} | Transfer dragon form (90 days penalty) |
gryfftrans {name} | Transfer gryffe form (90 days penalty) |
phnxtrans {name} | Transfer phoenix form (90 days penalty) |
wingtrans {name} | Transfer classic wings (30 days penalty) |
Command List :: Trade
"trade-accept | Finalize a trade |
"trade-add {item} | Add an item to trade |
"trade-end | Ends a trade |
"trade-reason {reason} | Specify a reason for trade - logged at DEP's side! |
"trade-reject | Rejects a trade request |
"trade-remove {item} | Remove an item from trade |
"trade-start [{name}] | Request a trade from a specific person or accept such a request |
"trade-status | View the status of a trade |
Trade Items
batwings |
butterfly-wings |
classic-wings |
dragon |
gryffe |
phoenix |
portrait |
triwings |
black-rose |
purple-rose |
red-rose |
white-rose |
yellow-rose |
GD |
SD |
CD |
- You may now trade rosebuds (not single roses), empty portrait spaces and Gold/Silver/Copper DragonScales.
Command List :: Dream Control
"eject {name} | Eject/Kick a specific person from the dream |
"cookies-on | Enables the ability to transfer cookies in the dream |
"cookies-off | Disables the ability to transfer cookies in the dream |
"emit {text} | Emit a message to all in your range of sight ([#] Message) |
"emitloud {text} | Emit a message to all in the current dream ([#] Message) |
"entrymusic {num} | Set dream's entry music |
"entrytext {text} | Set dream's entry text |
"pads-all | Allow dream pad uploads to anyone |
"pads-owner | Restrict dream pad uploads to the dream owner |
"pads-shared | Restrict dream pad uploads to those with shared control and above |
"pads-ss | Restrict dream pad uploads to Silver Sponsors |
parental | Toggle the parental rating on the dream |
"share {name} | Share dream control with a specific person ("unshare negates this) |
shield | Spawn all summoned furres to the dream entrance |
shieldurl | Prevent dream access through DreamURLs |
unload | Unload a dream |
unload all | Unload all dreams |
unload {name} | Unload a specific dream |
"unshare {name} | Stop sharing dream control with a specific person |
"uploads-all | Allow dream uploads anywhere on the map to all |
"uploads-owner | Restrict dream uploads anywhere on the map to the dream owner |
"uploads-shared | Restrict dream uploads anywhere on the map to those with shared control and above |
"uploads-ss | Restrict dream uploads anywhere on the map to Silver Sponsors |
Command List :: Beekin Access
bb | Join the Beekin channel |
c {name} | Claim a help request (also claim) |
"chat {text} | Send text to the current beekin channel |
clear {name} | Clear a help request from queue |
isbeek {name} | Display beekin access levels for a specific person |
jg {group} | Join a specific group |
leave | Go off-duty |
"list | List the available Beekin commands |
"listf | List furres requesting help and beekins on-duty |
ob | Join the Guardian channel |
onduty | Quantity of available beekins and their respective groups |
que | Show queued help requests in the Help channel |
"sendb {name} {comment} | Send a specific person to the Bugge Hunters channel (also "transb - no comments) |
"sendd {name} {comment} | Send a specific person to the Dream (Mason) channel (also "transd and "url) |
"sendg {name} {comment} | Send a specific person to the Guardian channel (also "transg) |
"sendh {name} {comment} | Send a specific person to the Help channel (also "transh) |
"sendw {name} {comment} | Send a specific person to the Welcomer channel (also "transw) |
tellgroup {text} | Tell something to the beekin group you are in |
telltrainees {text} | Tell something to all the beekin trainees |
wmap | Enter the welcome map (initial map of every new character) |